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Cashdown Credit Score

Cashdown Credit Score


Hello everyone… i’m glad to introduce to you all the cashdown credit scoring system:

Cashdown credit scoring system is a makeweight system for loans being accepted by our platform. i.e. Between two users trying to pawn a PS4 for  X amount, a user with 64 on his score would have priority over a user with 53 on both scores.

Also it affects the interest rates given on our platform. A higher credit score is a good indicator from our end of your history of repayments and having such would avail you of the following benefits

  • Lower interest rates
  • Higher lending period
  • Priority for loans over lower scoring candidates
  • Increased grace period for late payments

We’ll be continually reviewing our policy to make the best experience for users and such scoring would be available via personalized email to users to ensure privacy and confidentiality.






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